5 A.M.: Crack and scream! Quiet, then approaching sirens. We shake off Friday night's sake to stare out the window at flashing red lights. A car on the porch is worth two in the street and the whole block is awake for the rising of Cleveland's tropical sun. What do Saturday morning fire trucks and ambulances put me in the mood for?
Não escutar o Lefty. Cleveland não está assim frio!
[Ed. note: According this site, that translates roughly to: "Do not listen to the Lefty. Cleveland is not like this cold."]

Milton Banana Trio - Barquinho Diferente

Wilson Simonal - Não Vem Que Não Tem
The G-9 Group - Senhora Madonna
Gal Costa - Barato Total
Postscript: It turns out that the SUV was driven by a drunk Cleveland police officer. She was passed out in the vehicle in the middle of the school yard. Someone tapped on her window and she panicked and floored it. To hit that house, she went right between a telephone pole and a large tree.
-- Agent Eliot
1 comment:
Wilson Simonal, Não Vem Que Não Tem : Love that, thanks! Check out the Brigitte Bardot version: Tu veux ou tu veux pas.
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