Thursday, June 19, 2008

I’m Down, Indeed, Comrade, I’m Being Bombed

I give you “The Friendly Ranger at Clontarf Castle,” the first song on the first Thin Lizzy album. Here’s a challenge to all intercontinental drifters who pass here. Is there a better bean analogy in all of rock? All of music? Is there a better mock-hipster-heroic spoken-word intro? (Listen at 00:27 for what sounds like an Elmer Fuddism “the friendly wanger waits”). Also listen for the physically tricky image: “To walk down the street with my arms around your hips, side by side.” Listen for the pointillistic funk bass and pitter-patter drumming. But more than anything, listen for the earth-shaking made-for-the-drift-atron staggered QUADRUPLE-tracked guitar solo at the end!!

“The Friendly Ranger at Clontarf Castle” - Thin Lizzy

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